
We define InfoManager as the perfect complement to other SISme modules, which are responsible for entering data into the system, leaving to the InfoManager the task of show it in a more easy and understandable format and organized with the criterias and condition selected by the user.

Data Sources are prepared by the technical staff of the IT Department, which contain a list of columns arranged in a comfortable and manageable format for the user, giving the facility to create multiple types of reports in an agile and productive way. Thereby reducing the dependency of the IT departments when required reporting.

Data Sources are stored in a separate database ( data warehouse), indexed by multiple columns, which makes access to data faster.

InfoManager has the flexibility to take data directly from the transactional database SISme, thus offering the possibility of analysis of real-time operations, thus speeding up decision making.

Reports and inquiries made in InfoManager are saved as specifications, so they can be identified by users, and they possess the appropriate levels of authority. The user may authorize or define who can view, modify and implement the specifications designed by him.

The user has a list of data sources previously authorized or which can be defined on design specifications.